Museo Nazionale dell'Automobile, Torino
MAUTO - Museo dell'Automobile
15.06.2023-15.10 2023
On the occasion of the new exhibition for the 90th anniversary of the Automobile Museum of Turin, NEO creates a large immersive installation dedicated to the carriage of Virginio Bordino. Starting from the nineteenth century, the story combines the history of the carriage with a story of innovation that we still find in Turin today.
A path rich in history that looks to the future, progress and innovation, following the same principles dictated by the founder Carlo Biscaretti.
The story, divided into various periods, will be exposed in the area of temporary exhibitions from June 15 to October 15, and aims to highlight the transversality of the figure of the car, focus and nuance of different thematic areas.
videoinstallation by NEO [Narrative Environments Operas]